What should I expect?

We love newcomers and try very hard to make you feel welcome!  Upon arrival you’ll store your belongings in the lobby including phones, purses, shoes, socks, and coats.  Our lobby is locked and/or staffed during class to keep your things secure.

Each type of class will offer you a different experience, please read our class descriptions or give us a call if you’re not sure which class is right for you.

Do I have to sign up for class online?

Yes, we require you to pre-register and pre-pay for class online. Register for class here.

What ages can attend your classes?

You can be any age and practice yoga! We have kids yoga classes for kids up to age 13 years old. You’re also welcome to bring your child ages 10 and up with you to class.

After age 14, kids can attend classes without an adult present.

What’s your policy about being late to class?

Please register for class so we know you’re coming. If you’re registered, we’ll keep the door open for you until 5 minutes after class starts. After that, we lock the lobby door during class. If everyone who is registered has arrived to class, the lobby doors will lock at the class start time.

What do I wear?

Comfortable clothing that is relatively form-fitting.

What do I bring?

A mat, and maybe blocks, blanket, and a strap. We have mats and props available to purchase or borrow.

What if I’m not flexible?

Flexibility is not required - if you can breathe, you can do yoga.

Will yoga conflict with my religion?

No.  Yoga is not a religion. It does not require that you believe anything in order to experience the benefits. People of all faiths practice yoga.